We have hosted over 100 events over the years across more than 20 cities in North America. We understand what it takes to ensure successful events across different formats. We have the experience and expertise to plan and execute events at a national level by leveraging teams and resources across all the major metros in North America.

  • Ultimate Media has the relationships with all the major media outlets to get the most out of your advertising budgets. We also leverage the local print and online media to get the maximum coverage for your events.
  • We have affiliations with major national and regional professional and ethnic organizations that allow us to host and participate in events that target specific segments of the South Asian population.
  • We host events that are exclusive to our clients. We also setup and manage events at exhibitions, seminars and festivals that maximize exposure for your products and services.
  • We use social media and email campaigns to reach large segments of the South Asian population in the US to get maximum exposure and participation for your events.

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